Flight 405-Gallery
Till Krause ?
The opening show of the Beirut Gallery "FLIGHT 405" is a show about identities, about globalism and local roots . All works have a link to Lebanon, to the Arab countries or to the Mediterranean sea. Almost all works have been produced by the artists especially for this show.
THE ATLAS GROUP / WALID RAAD (a lebanese artist group based in New York and Beirut) presents a new body of work"sweet talk". It is a mapping study of the city of Beirut, its urbanistic structure and of the buildings from the late 50ies until the middle of the 70ies, which is the growth period of Beirut downtown!
ALFREDO JAAR (the Chilean concept artist based in New York) who works about human rights in countries which have suffered civil wars... He made an installation with six lightboxes: four in the entrance Hall and two at the end of the show all calling for a better world: "teach us to outgrow our madness".
EMILY JACIR (the palestinean artist * 1970 and living in New York ) presents a two channel video installation: "Ramallah-New York" : a puzzle mounted between those two cities. The spectator does not know what city is on which video... It is the situation of a person living in a foreign country... in exile and belonging to another home country...