Museo Tamayo text
Nido, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico
The work of Tarik Kiswanson (Halmstad, Sweden, 1986) explores moments and spaces of transition that often become milestones in human lives: the passage from childhood to adolescence, the displacement from one context to another, the fluctuation of territories and geopolitical borders, as well as transformative phenomena such as nomadism, diaspora and migration.
A child of emigrants from Palestine, the Paris-based artist addresses concepts such as otherness, transparency and opacity, drawing from Édouard Glissant's postcolonial writings and his poetics of miscegenation. Like the silhouettes of children in his drawings that seem to fumble for the edges of the spaces that contain them, Kiswanson’s work emerges from one place to another, in an attempt to expand the uncertain boundaries between identity and difference.