Yto Barrada
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
extended until May 30th, 2020
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
extended until May 30th, 2020
We are happy to present the exhibition Every Boy Deserves Good Fudge by New York based artist Yto Barrada with guest artist Bettina.
Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge takes its name from one of the memory devices printed in Barrada’s broadside poster series, Mnemonic Phrases. The ten phrases in the series were collected, each referring to a different body of information to be remembered; the first letter of each word in the exhibition’s title easily recall the sequence of musical notes, E-G-B-D-F, on the lines of the treble clef. From verbal phrases to sewing lessons to Montessori toys, Barrada’s new works engage with her extensive collection of found material to celebrate various forms of self-directed learning. Here as before, Barrada employs wit, playfully subversive humor, and the concept of collage, to subtly navigate the space where dominant historical narratives intersect with the grammar of the home, the factory, the schoolhouse and the atelier/workshop. Here again, photographs, paintings, drawings, prints, textile work, sculptures and videos and found objects are installed in novel relationships which enable new levels of logic and interpretation.